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  • Location: USA
  • Founded: 1985
  • Website: https://www.melaleuca.com/


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Melaleuca was founded in the year 1985 in the USA and deals with nutrition, Personal Care, Home Cleaning and Cosmetics Products. The founding person and the present CEO of Melaleuca are Frank L. VanderSloot.

They sell their products through their online website as well as through their retail stores.


The stated mission of Melaleuca is to help society to enhance their lives by attaining their goals.

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5 years ago

The company have good customer service and nature-based products. But the prices are not disclosed, cannot see any price unless if sign up on the website

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- As an associate of Melaleuca, you will be eligible for a commission of $25 if you recruit a new customer under your downline.

- And if your customer buys products or services, you will get a amount between $50 to $100.

- If any of your personal customer’s purchases a product, after the second month, then you can earn a commission of 7%, 14 % or 20% depending on the amount for which they have purchased.

- You can also reach higher positions in the company like being a Manager, Director etc.